In 1979, as a flying-mad teenager, I spent a weekend at Biggin Hill, going through aircrew selection to fly Sea Harriers for the Fleet Air Arm.

I felt like an Ace amongst Aces passing my Pilot's Co-ordination and Pilot's Maths, along with Navigator's Coordination - but failed Navigator's Maths by 3%. I was advised to re-apply a year later - but decided to go motor racing instead.

My love of aviation never went away - in-fact it grew stronger over the years.

Today I have ratings for four different helicopter 'types' - and three 'fixed wing'. I also hold a helicopter 'Night Rating', and am on course to qualify for my professional drone pilot's licence, so able to undertake commercial filming projects from January onwards.

I have hundreds of flying hours logged in all kinds of aircraft, all over the World. In Los Angeles I flew a Bell Jet Ranger for the traffic reporter for KISS FM; from Majorca I delivered an R44 helicopter to the UK, crossing the Pyrenees in the process. I've completed two Robinson factory safety courses, a mountain flying training - in short, 'I fly, and I know things'.



"Steve, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for hosting a fantastic day and evening for ourselves and our guests from O2 and Marsh. The personal way in which you spoke to our group and the amount of time you invested with us went over and above what was expected and was ideal for such an audience. It's not often that senior members from the mobile phone, network and insurance industries meet and the informal tone and relaxed ambiance worked perfectly. I would not hesitate in recommending you to any organisation, whatever their size or field of business and I very much look forward to working with you again in the future.  "